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ad creatives made
“Biddyco helped us test what ads were working and take feedback from the performance of previous ads to make the next batch even better. If it wasn’t for Biddyco, and we had to produce creatives solely internally, we wouldn’t have had the ability to churn out as many ads as we had.”
1. What was the obstacle in your mind that would have prevented you from signing with Biddyco?
Initially, the number of assets a month Biddyco offered was thought of as a problem but it actually worked out very well. It gave us the ability to double what we were outputting as a team and testing their performance. Another obstacle was hiring an external agency to only do creatives, with other options it has always been out of our budget.
2. What did you find as a result of hiring Biddyco?
We were able to supplement what we were producing with our in-house designers with experts who have their finger on the pulse on the paid social realm. We were able to lead the pack with our designs and we would see our competitors mimicking our creative later. Having an external agency allowed us to have a set of outside eyes and provided us feedback that brought in new ideas across our plate.
Biddyco’s team was able to help us test what ads were working and take feedback from the performance of previous ads to make the next batch of ads better. If it wasn’t for Biddyco, and we had to produce creatives solely internally, we wouldn’t have had the ability to churn out as many ads as we had.
3. What specific feature did you like most about our services?
I really liked how Biddyco presented our new creatives. It was clean and allowed us to provide feedback in a cohesive way which made the process very efficient. Although Biddyco only allowed one round of revisions, they were always accommodating with small tweaks, so one round was always more than enough.
4. What do you like most about working with Biddyco?
Biddyco was very affordable. Previously, we were unable to hire out creative because other options were always out of budget.
On another note, Biddyco always made sure we were taken care of. We always had several members of their team on calls. We got to chat with the whole team, including the people actually generating the creative. We appreciated them keeping the lines of communication open.
5. Would you recommend Biddyco?
I totally recommend Biddyco. They’re so accommodating. I felt like we were working with real people who understand the business, which you don’t get often.
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